Managing Multiple Kubectl Versions | Shorts

Vishnu Deva
2 min readAug 6, 2022

Kubernetes versions move fast, and we might find ourselves managing clusters that are 4 or 5 minor versions apart. And since upgrading K8s is not a trivial task, we’ll always be playing catch-up with some clusters.

Right now, for example, I have to use a 1.18 cluster and a 1.22 cluster simultaneously, which is painful because the version of kubectl you use to access a cluster can only be a maximum of one minor version away: skew ≤ 1. But in my case, the skew = 4, which means that I need a different kubectl binary for each cluster.

Managing these binaries directly is out of the question, it’s just not a clean solution. Instead, we use the ‘asdf’ tool version manager.

  • Install asdf.
  • Install the asdf kubectl plugin.
  • Before accessing a specific cluster, we request asdf for the correct kubectl version to be enabled.
  • That’s it!


Core Installation

Taken from here.

# Clone the asdf Github Repository to ~/.asdf
git clone ~/.asdf --branch v0.10.2
# Add the following lines to ~/.bashrc if on Linux.
# Or to ~/.bash_profile if on MacOS.
. $HOME/.asdf/
. $HOME/.asdf/completions/asdf.bash

Kubectl Plugin Installation

Taken from here.

# Install the kubectl plugin.
asdf plugin-add kubectl
# Install specific versions of kubectl as needed.
asdf install kubectl 1.18.20
asdf install kubectl 1.22.10

Use asdf

# To enable 1.18 access, run:
asdf global kubectl 1.18.20
# To enable 1.22 access, run:
asdf global kubectl 1.22.10

In cases where a single machine is shared by multiple people, use local instead of global to use multiple versions of kubectl simultaneously.

asdf local kubectl 1.18.20
asdf local kubectl 1.22.10

